

here are somethings i have written. hope you like it. happy to talk more if you are interested. drop me an email.

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Developing an Intentional Mindset About Data

with Linda Vasu in Independent School Magazine

Data is a worldview. When we say data, we should think about what this view values and what it privileges. Data is a lens through which an independent school can signal: “Here is where we are, here is what we value, and here is the area where we want to grow that will be most impactful for our learners.” In fact, the adjective “independent” in relation to school can mean unfettered and free to create healthy, meaningful, empathic relationships in a connected network that serves students, families, neighborhoods, society, and ultimately the greater good. This independence necessitates a commitment to a diversity of approaches that supports all students from every socioeconomic background, fully preparing them for their future as global citizens. Creating equitable institutions is the salient task of forward-thinking independent schools. A thoughtful collection and use of data in combination with a set of socially responsible, lived values can help us broaden the possibilities and stake a claim to authentic independence."


Creative Coding for All

The day began with a keynote from Dan asking us “As a _____ why should I care about creating software?” From there he went on to talk about the development of Processing, p5.js, and the work of the Processing Foundation. The philosophies behind those projects come from the larger creative community and are worth considering. As Lauren McCarthy states (via Shiffman), “No tool is neutral. Tools are embedded with beliefs, desires, biases of its creators.” As educators, we can be a part of the process of diversifying tools and their application. But first, we must learn how to use the tools.


How to be Asian

The linking of the Model Minority Myth and African American families has been an essential part of establishment politics because it diverts attention away from deep structural analysis of racism and indulges in ahistorical cultural analysis.

As Asian Americans we have to remind people in power of our history in this country and make sure it is not used to denigrate other groups. We also have to see and show that the picture within Asian Americans is complex when looking at different ethnic groups, gender, and other markers.